Visual storytelling


You need a clear and consistent story about a complex topic? We turn information into simple stories through illustrations, infographics and presentations.

Visual storytelling is nothing new. Humans have been illustrating since our ancestors painted images in caves. Why? Because it's one of the most effective ways of communicating a message to others. The human brain is able to digest an image many times faster than text. Visuals drive up to as much as 200% more engagement than words. 

This is why storytelling is an excellent way to share complex messages, results and problems with colleagues or clients. A visual approach helps to deepen understanding, clarify a concept, spark creativity end initiate action. 

Kristof not only succeeded in presenting our human capital strategy in a concise and lively manner, but also coached us in the build up of the story. The visual harvesting added a dimension to our meeting and left a permanent mark. The graphic wall is now on display in our head office so we can take our co-workers and visitors through our strategy and keep telling the story over and over again.
— Valerie Thoen, Human Capital Manager, Kinepolis Group